Yo! Sup everyone?=D The day before yesterday, 12/1/2010 my parents had arrived from the Mecca and praise to God they had arrived safely=) And then yesterday, they started the engine and rolled the wheels to Alexandria=D Welcome back! Muahs~♥
And as usual, everyone who came back from Mecca will bring lots of stuffs and souvenirs with them. So then, after entering the house, they started to open the bag's zip and brought out the souvenirs. And wee! Yay! I got a
white, Swatch watch, a new
Flash Memory/Thumb Driveand a
robe! Ngee=D Thanks A LOT mum and dad!♥♥
Thanks mum, thanks dad!=D♥♥ |
I've been gazing for a new watch since couples of times ago, and praise to God, dream comes true!=D♥ New, white, Swatch watch♥♥♥♥ |
When boredom attacks you! NgeeXD 1,2,3 snapppp!=D♥ |
So this is the robe + its veil that I got, but well since I ain't a robe wearer so like I'll only wear it in special occasion some thing ngee♥ |
The flash=D Ngee (Do I really have to show it?XD) Lol..I was boredXD But well, this flash is a bit different from other flash ngee..snap, snap=D♥ |
Then after that,
K.Cik and
K.Sue received their souvenirs. So then, the events of bringing out the souvenirs takes place. Then, we chatted about some stuffs and blah, blah, blah, blah.. Then eat=D
But then, K.Cik and K.Sue have to go home, cause suddenly there's a tuition-,- So, bye-bye!:-h
So now, all of them who weren't here, in Alex, Egypt few months ago, are now back. K.Sue, K.Haida, K.Aishah + her daughter who owns the same name as me, which is Hanan=D♥ And cause of that, P.Kimi likes to confuse me with this name thing. Mean isn't it? Nah.. Haha..ain't importantXD We called her, "Hanan Junior" and I'm "Hanan Senior" ngee=D Muahs!~ She's so adorable and cute!♥
See? I told you, she's so cute and adorable! Muahs!~♥ |
Comparing to this Hanan....-,-"
What a big differentXD |
Okay, that's it for this post. Just wanna share about my happiness. Enjoy, ngee=) Buh-bye yaw! Chow~
ya, there are many different between hanan junior n hanan senior.
but, there is an equation. both of hanan is cute n preety!
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