Generally speaking, most of us who's living on the third planet from the sun called Earth are searching for perfection. Do correct me if I'm wrong. But then, at the other side, we know that there's nothing called perfect. Have you ever wonder, why the heck did they created the word "Perfect" if actually, nothing, no one, or no.......are perfect? Well, kinda complicated question. For more accurate answer, you can ask the English Phonetics. Peaceeeeeeee..
Oh..come on! No one's perfect. So, try to accept the imperfection of other people. Before judging others about their weakness, walk into your room, go in front of the mirror and..wait, wait..I bet you might fix your hair first then put on some make-ups for the girls-,-' then only you will start asking yourself, "Are you THAT perfect?" The answer is of course a NO. So why most of us can't accept others' weaknesses? Ahah! From here, we can already find one of our weakness, hard to accept others' weaknesses.
Imperfection? Beauty? Why? Well, some of you might know why.. Cause imperfection makes us so different from others. It creates your personality. It defines who you are. So hey, be proud with yourself. Proud for whom you are. Love yourself for whom you are. And always remember, don't ever change yourself for others. Be someone who you are, not what people want you to be. And these are why people change themselves for others in most cases which will sometimes give a really bad impact at the end:
1) Love. In most cases, people change themselves cause of love-,- Weird isn't it? Aren't lovers suppose to accept their lovers' weakness? Aren't they suppose to accept them for whom they are? Why does this happen? Simply because, we're sometimes too busy searching for perfection until we forgot that no one's perfect. Come on..accept your lovers for whom they are.Love them for who they are..Don't lead yourself to a clash..
2) Insults. Yeah, insults. Sounds kinda mean isn't it..Just because they're sick of being insulted by others, some people changed themselves. For example, in your college, there's a fat girl, who eats a lot, who can't run as quick as others can. Probably, this girl would be insulted or mocked by some students for her weakness or imperfection. And she will of course feels depressed about this and the idea or thought of changing herself to be completely different from whom she is right now would popped out in her mind. And the best alternative perhaps is to start using the method called Diet. What if she practices the wrong way of diet? This would of course harm her and affects her health.
3) Parents. Parents? Yup, parents. Parents play a really important role. All parents want the best out of their children. For example, a girl has just received her report card and her parents were totally disappointed with her grades. And for that, they were scolding her and this had affected and gave a really big impact to her. She started to push herself to study more, more, and more. Even more that she could or until she exceeded the limits and for that she became so depressed. She started to take some dangerous pills and this would totally affect her health and might cause death. Now you see, how dangerous it is.
P/S: All of these are examples and doesn't have anything to do with anyone and not even referring to anyone in this whole wide world.
And believe it or not, all of these prove that we actually can't accept our own weaknesses. Sometimes we just have to forget about what people say about us and just be ourselves. Haven't you ever thought of the idea that one day you will be the coolest dude ever live on Earth although you do have lots of weaknesses?
So from here, we can conclude that we should love everyone for who they are. Be someone who you are and not what people want you to be (How many times should I repeat this?-,-) And another thing, people who love you will always love you for 'who' you are, not for 'what' you are;) Some of you might not understand my point, so you can read it another million times, ISA you'll understand it:)
Some of you might have thought, this is the most boring post I've ever posted. prob. Everyone have their own thoughts. I dont know, the word imperfection just popped out in my mind and I was kinda blank so I just wrote about this topic.
Before I end this post, here's a song from Bruno Mars which I think best suit with our topic here Click here to see the videos I dont know what's the problem but I can't share the freaking awesome video-,- so you can just click on that link:)
So chow! Buh-bye♥ Hope you learned something from this creepy post-,-
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
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- lkX
- I am ME. She is HER. That girl in the photo is HERSELF. She's proud to be HER. She loves HER personality.
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