Saturday, December 18, 2010

Preparation for the Charity Sale♥

        Remember when I said that I'll be posting about this Charity Sale? So here let me start narrating about the preparations I made. But before that, would like to apologize cause I supposed to post it on Wednesday or Thursday but due to some reasons I cant. Here you go..

        After the Charity Sale was canceled due to the weather and the school was closed, days off and stuffs, we had all finally agreed to do the Sale on Wednesday. So that night, or evening I started to bake the chocolate cake as I planned last time. To be honest, I was kinda afraid of the outcome cause this was my second time to bake a cakeXD With some helps from K.Cik, I started to bake it steps by steps following the recipe that I found on internet and from my observation, that one is the best recipe out of all and it seems kinda easy so I just tried that one.

These were all the ingredients needed.
        And while I was baking, my only hope was that the cake would be good after baked. I was kinda excited and afraidXD It's okay..learning is fun. Ngee~ And I would like to thank K.Cik  A LOT for helping me at some parts which I confused in:) 

        So then after all the ingredients were mixed as mentioned in the recipe. So now, time to bake it in the oven! Slowly, putted it in the container thing. But then, after a while since we both forgot how to use the big ovenXD we decided to use the cooking stove. Much more easier for me. After we poured the ingredients which we had mixed altogether just now and after we had putted it on the fire around 8 minutes, I just realized that we actually forgot to put the brown sugarXD So had to blend the brown sugar then mix them altogether then blend them again-.- Uiks, uiks..careless-.- Lalala~

        Finally! All are done now. So here we go. Checked! Everything are now included and complete. Nothing's missed. We left the cake like 1:15 on the cooking stove and finally it can now be declared as a cake!=D We succeeded, we succeeded! Yay! The cake turned good!=D Thank God! it's time to pour the topping. And in this topping part I didn't follow the recipe's topping. I just poured the chocolate sauce that I bought on the cake and the chocolate sprinkles. And so jeng, jeng, jeng this is it....

        So this is it, the chocolate cake. In the next post I'll be posting about the Charity Sale which was the next day. Chow..