Nuweiba, yup!;) On last Thursday, was absent, didn't go to school cause on Wednesday's night we rolled the wheels to Cairo.. Then the next morning, chow! Off to Nuweiba with the big bus. They said the journey will take like 6 hours but actually it took even longer=.= I can still remember, it was 9 hours! Damn..9 hours, sitting on the bus, sleeping, eating chips and snacks (uiks, uiks..what an unhealthy way of eating) *(there's nothing else to be eaten!;D), staring out of the window, recalling the past, sweet memories
And yay! This is the 5th station which means this is the last station. We spent more times at this station than the others just because we made A mistake. First thing first, there was a question and then, we had to make a circle with a piece of paper which can fits the whole group in it. This was easy cause usually, when you got to a seminar they will ask you to do this thing and cause I'm use to seminar so like this thing is pretty familiar. You just have to fold the paper ONCE then cut it in the landscape orientation but don't cut it till the end and dont forget to turn it upside down alternately repeat the same step till you almost reach the end of the paper then stop. Open the folded paper slowly and cut all the middle parts and you're done! Now everyone can enter the big, big circle. But at the beginning, we made a small mistake which affected the whole thing that is we folded the paper twice instead of once. So like, we had to repeat it again.
Hey! We've finished the game. And our group was the second group to finish. Hooray for us=D And now lets sit. That was pretty fun. To be honest, I wasn't that happy at the beginning when I had to go to this Nuweiba place cause like I know it's gonna be so tiring cause it's only 1 day and 1 night then like I really thought that I cant join them so like why should I go? But now, it's pretty fun. Then we started to play Simon says but in Malay version=D "Alang kata" Haha and well, most of them or us lost. What a shame-_- uiks, uiks..and that includes me too(A) Most of them were fooledXD Like, there was a girl and the instructor suddenly asked her name while we were playing and the instructor was like "What's your name?" Then she answered with her name and of course I forgot it. When she answered, the instructor suddenly said, "You're out of the game cause I Simon didn't ask (Alang x tanya)XD And well you cant deny that the instructor was right but seriously, the spontaneous when he asked the girl covered his trick. Then the other trick was, while we were playing, he suddenly asked, which group won the first place just now in the Explorace game and there was a guy who answered it so again "You're out cause Simon didn't ask so (Alang x tanya)XD Pergh..What a trick.
We're now almost at the end of the program. So like you know..when a program is about to end, there must or usually be an inauguration for the closing and OF COURSE, FOR SURE..some speeches from some people so lets listen everyone..Lalalala~
Bye, bye Nuweiba! Hope to see ya next time! "Hell, I'm not talking to a human being"-_-' All the moments have been captured with the camera. It's time to say goodbye! We started our journey back on 3.00 p.m something then the bus keep moving till the next 2 hours. 2 hours on the bus, I didn't sleep neither eat:( I kept talking and talking to K.Mariam non-stop. Haha....We talked about our lives, some random stuffs etc. Stopppp! Lets eat, bathroom, pray, buy snacks etc. First thing first was buy snacksXD Yup! Cause there's no food or snack left. Me and K.Sue decided to go to the shop across the street so left, right, left no car..lets go..We just bought 2 packets of chips as we already bought another 2 from the other shop and K.Sue bought 1 medium box of milk and I bought my favorite biscuit. Then lets cross the street again. When were walking, heeding to the bathroom, there was like a jeep, and the jeep's driver was totally driving in a dangerous and weird so like there were this two guys who were riding on motorcycle and they got hit by the jeep0.0 I was like OMG, it happened right in front of my eyes. I saw exactly what happened from the beginning and the jeep was like turning around back to the two guys and we were like still in the middle of the street so we rushed. Thank God the two guys were okay, no one was injured. Pergh..but seriously, the way his driving, the sound were just ugh..scary I guess. Damn him..and believe it or not, we stopped there for like 3 hours just because of waiting for the restaurant to prepare the foods and waiting for the people to eat-.- 3 hours? The buses were just moving like 2 hours and now we stopped for 3 hours. WTH? Come on, come on! Get on the bus! It's almost 8.00 p.m!
Vrooomm! Roll the wheels..And this time, really did lots of things on the bus instead of talking non-stop(A) First thing first, I grabbed the Sony Walkman thing and putted on the earphones and grabbed the novel that I've already reached the end of itXD And yeah, while K.Sue was sitting next beside me, sleeping peacefully, I was crying and crying while reading the three last saddest chapters in the novelXD='( Only God knows how touching the story was='( But yay! It ended with a happy ending!!♥♥ Muahs!~ I adore that novel!♥ One of the best novel ever existed on the third planet from the sun called Earth! I salute the author, Siti Rosmizah. I wanna be like her, have the abilities and talents to write a really good novel although it's pretty thick but I never get bored reading it:) So like after I've finished reading and cryingXD started to open Facebook Mobile and see whether there's a connection or no cause when we were still at the beginning of our journey back, there wasn't any connection at all=.= so lets see..yay! There is! Finally! Three days, no facebook-ing, no yahoo-ing, no msn-ing no blogging, no chatting and no webcam-ing:( Finally, finally..Thank God!=D Hehe..After a moment, like an hour after I guess..Bat low:( And after another moment..'Welcome to the world of dreams' i-) [But I didn't dream of anything so I guess I was in the wrong world~]
I can hear some people's noises..pergh we arrived? Hell yeah, we did..Ermm..ermm..Still sleepy..Uhhh....*Stretching*.. :O
I suddenly thought of those who were about to go back to Malaysia:( Aliah, Wafa, Izzah their siblings and their families. Damn..gonna miss all of them so much♥ I really had fun with all of you. It was really great to know you guys, you're siblings and your family:( And on 5th Jan. .Aufa and her family's gonna go back to Malaysia too:( Shit..why must all of them go back at the same time. Aliah, Wafa and their family left. Izzah and her family's gonna depart on the day after tomorrow, on Friday..and I really dont have the chance to see her and her family. Ugh..damn. Just God..please let me see them:(
Chow yaw..
*!*!Oh yeah! Before I forgot, I'm gonna upload the photos later on the next 2 posts ISA due to some circumstances:)
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Awesome people
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- lkX
- I am ME. She is HER. That girl in the photo is HERSELF. She's proud to be HER. She loves HER personality.
World's awesomest blogs ;)
Muffin untuk Bilal11 years ago
Чтобы учить английский11 years ago
50 Stupid Facts About Me13 years ago
Summer Holiday!13 years ago
PPT -____-13 years ago
Bacalah Jika Ingin Mengetahuinya!!14 years ago
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- Preparation for the Charity Sale♥
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- Photos of 2010 winter in Alex [12-12-2010]
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