I've been so diligent in downloading and watching movies today (H) No, no actually, yesterday cause right now it's already 2:15 :DD Like really, I spent most of the day watching movies and eating. Thats it -.- Seems like I'm really looking forward to gain more weight =_=' But so what, I was enjoying the day (H) I need to relax you know :(
So yesterday, I managed to download 3 movies,
KL Gangster,
3 2 1 cinta and
Nur Kasih The Movie. All the Malay ones that I've been wanting to watch.
KL Gangster
An awesome action movie let me say. I like the plots a lot! I love how the they had inserted some jokes in this movie which makes the movie even more interesting than it already is. And the best thing about this movie is that, it has 3 genres lemme say ;) Action which is an of course, some comedy and also some of drama which I likeeee
♥ 4 3/4 stars out of 5 for this movie ;D
3,2,1 cinta
This movie is hilarious xD Tehee and I like how tough and brave Sam is as a 'lady'. Her weird actions are the best parts of the movie. What a retard she is in that movie makes it even more ohsemm. All in all, I love it! ♥ 4 1/2 starts out of 5 for this one! ;))
I'm totally speechless with the greatness of this movie. Only tears could explain ..A great movie presenting great and full of challenges love stories and sacrifices for those whom they love. An awesome, heart-touching movie of how hard life could be and what lie beneath those hard times in life. Comes along with great sadness which will surely bring you or anyone else to tears, suspicious and unexpected events ♥ Plus how the actors played their characters makes it even bettaaa. It's certainly included in the list of one of the best movies I've ever watched, ever :') They should really translate it to more other languages and publish it everywhere around the world. This movie and Titanic are in the same level of awesomeness ;) 5 out of 5 stars for this movie ;DD To make myself feel as if I'm in the cinema, I grab loads of food with me (A) Okay, not loads but some I guess you know, just to have something to chew and slurp tehee~
I didn't have any popcorns and was too lazy to make myself a big cup of ice lemon tea so replaced those with dates, skittles, raisins, tepung pelita, cup of water and the beyty- spiky chocolate milk ♥ |
I was only missing two items, but then they both got replaced with 6 items --' What a hog. Wuwuwuwu~ I'm ending this right now with a piece of humorous picture xD
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