Tuesday, July 26, 2011

After 15 days ..

        It's been quite awhile since I posted anything. Nothing much to share. Just what I did on the past 16 days. On.. er..I forgot. Anyways, last week or the other one maybe, we did this small party at home. Just a small one, for fun. But it was cool, I mean like, there were FOODS you know ;P How can't that be cool? Alright, I'm just gonna share a bit about it and plusI dont have most of the photos of it right now. I'll share the rest of em on another post ISA.

        All the works started on 9.00 (er..yeah?) They started to cut the chickens and meats and etc. I didn't help much (well you see, people with lazy butts are like that ;P) I was just fully contributed with boiling the compressed rice (nasi impit) and sticking up the chickens on the sticks for the satay. Then, nothing else XD Alright, so the party started on 19.00. There weren't much guests, just few of em. I was totally 'busy' with sis K's DSLR while everyone was eating ♥ I envy her for that :( Thank God she was generous enough to lend it to me for that night :') Thank youuu again if you're reading this (yeah, that's like 0.0001 % -.-)

Here you go, the pictures brooo, sis, aunt, and uncle and and and everyone ..

Looks weird, I know :] This was before the making or before we started to stick em all on the sticks to produce delicious, perfecto satay which satisfied our lusts mwawahaha
I was still in the kitchen at that moment, handling the nasi impit lalala~
The other side
Even they were eager while working on that
Too bad, was still in the kitchen :( The stuffed rice took a freaking long time to boil -.-
Finally there :') Look at that fellow, smiling widely with her teeth showing, yeah that's me :") What a wide smile :[)
No compliments for my eagerness? sob sob ..
Ehehehe tired of grilling
Ma fav! Meet the aunty ;DD 2 seringgit, 2 seringgit
Killing two birds with a stone (A) Time for a break bro!
Woooo look at the fire babeee
See that cute fella next to me? Thats the generous camera owner :") She even edited the photo (A)

        So these are what I have for now. I'll see if I can get more photos later on, I'll just put em on another post. 

        Right now, I need to finish up the whole jug of Iced Milo I made (A) It's somehow tasteless, thats why gotta finish it by my own :( I made a mistake by replacing the sweetened condensed milk with the full cream one -.- A huge one actually. But it's not that bad so thank God :}

        There'll be two more posts following ISA so follow up cool people ;)) Oh yeah, have ya watched this vid? Pretty hilarious XD 

0.38: No, it's delicious XD