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Monday, August 09, 2010
An old folk's leg@Carefour
All of you must be asking what does the tittle meant by;). It was actually like this. I went to Carefour for the past few days with my family to buy some stuffs. And as usual after we had finished taking all the stuffs we WANTED+NEEDED, we walk to the cashier to pay it. OF COURSE you'll pay it unless you're a thieve. But then, suddenly there's an old folk who suddenly talking or you can called it 'yelling' and saying some stuffs in Arabic. After observing the situation, I know that actually that old folk wanted to cut the queue. So she thought the best way to do that is by talking and narrating about her leg to everyone who was queuing at the cashier. She said that she did an operation with her leg and she cant stand-up in a long period of time. She even SHOWED her leg to everyone as a "proof" that she did went through the operation/surgery. Most of them there were laughing but quietly and slowly including ME=D It was funny. Duh! And cause of that everyone let her to pay at the cashier first. But when we think about it again, if her leg does hurt and she cant stand-up for a long time, why did she came to the Carefour?XD She even bought a lot of things..Haha..Forget about her;) Hm sorry couldnt upload any photos cause I didnt even captured one:D So hmmm bye! Cya:-h
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- lkX
- I am ME. She is HER. That girl in the photo is HERSELF. She's proud to be HER. She loves HER personality.
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