Helloozzz world!=D Sup everyone?
:) First of all..I know I'm kinda late in posting this post. Suppose to be in the morning right? But well..I can't do anything about that as I lost the internet connection since Friday till last morning=.= Damn..I was really and totally pissed-.- Imagine that a whole day and a half without internet. Thank God there's mobile web and yeah it was Friday so no matter how much I browse the internet on the phone, it's gonna be free! Ngee~ Cause I'm using Etisalat(A) Thank God the internet came back in evening on 2.00 p.m I guess.
Sincerely from me....:)
So hey! Happy New Year everyone!=D The moment when you guys woke up last morning, ehhhh..the moment when you took off your blankets..Ah! It's New Year! So when you woke up, everything must be new right? Haha not really..only the date(A) Nah..you must have woke up with new hopes, new strengths, new feelings, new confidences, new behaviors, new smiles to face your lives and the next days that are coming and waiting for you guys to face them bravery as 2010 and the previous years had thought us lots of lessons about life. So lets not let those past years down and face the obstacles in life. Not new clothes, new shoes, new hats, new accessories, new phones, new cars, new veils, new socks, new bags and so so on..damn you or your parents gonna turn into a bankruptcy IF that's what New Year is aboutXD
And as it's a New Year, we must all had decided to IMPROVE (NOT change) ourselves to be BETTER (NOT absolutely different) than we were before, to improve our attitude, the way we treat people, the way we face obstacles, the way we conclude life and so than we would be ISA a better person:) From someone who was really pampered to someone who's more independent, to someone who always lost temper easily to someone who's more patient. To someone who was lack of responsibility to someone who's responsible and can be counted on and etc.
;) |
And well..for me..hehe..I really want to improve myself from the very top of my hair till the end of my toes. Be someone who's even better than before. Someone that the world can love and remember. Someone that can be proud of and lots and lots of other someone that I wouldn't have the strength to keep typing.
So what about you guys? What's your resolutions for this New Year?=D Let me know and leave a comment
P/S: I just remembered of something, I would be putting some songs on my blog and well if you do have any song(s) request(s), do let me know and leave a comment on this post. Happy new Year again everyone!♥
hahaahah~2011..hmmm...i will search my gf..XD!!!!!just kiding!!
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