Helllloooozz! Sup world? As we know, on 11/16/2010 we officially had celebrated the Eid Adha and some countries are celebrating it on 11/17/2010 which is today;) So how was your Eid? Bloods everywhere?=P Where did you go? Here would like to share some pieces of my Eid today.
Early in the morning, I woke up then as usual you need to take your bath first right? Eeewww....did anyone of you missed their bath?=P Then after that, started to prepare all the foods as any of them would come in no time so must get ready=) Hoho~ Few moments after they finished with the prayers, knock, knock, knock!~ Someone came! And I was still wearing my regular shirt cause thought that no one would come yet so decided to wear the 'Baju Kurung' later on. Then the house was full of people in no time. It was really cool to see each other that morning. It's like a 'Family Gathering', a really, really BIG 'Family Gathering' Hehe=D Although we're not family but still the relationship that we had created since from the beginning makes me feel as if we're one big family. Anyways, what are the dishes? Hehe..there are Soto, Karipap, Sardin Gulung, Nasi Lemak, Nasi Impit, and Rendang Ayam =D Yuummmmyyy!~
And believe it or not, I didn't step out from the house that day, AT ALL!XD Even a bit. Hoho~ So then till the afternoon I was still sitting while talking about some stuffs and so on..But then, I started to walk in the room slowly, slowly and slowly lied on the bed for a while but I didn't expect that I would fell asleep so like I was sleeping with the 'Baju Kurung' + my veilXD But the weirdest thing was, when I woke up nothing happened to my clothes it's like a miracleXD There ain't even any line which forces me to iron it;) Thank God!=D Back to our topic, so after I woke up we were about to go visit someone's house. It was hm Us.Akli's house.
When we returned back home, half an hour after that or more I guess, Us.Ishak and his family came=) Then after that my cousin A.Zaid and his wife came. Then only now we can get ready;) Get ready for what? Get ready to go to K.Shikin's house and sleep over there cause we're going to Tanta the next day with her.
T-A-N-T-A =)
This is the firs time for me to step on my leg in Tanta. Well Tanta and Mansourah are kinda alike. Nothing much about it. Well the first destination was a Malaysian house. I met some new people there. All of them are nice, well-mannered and hospitable. Easy to get along with them.
There, we visited some places like the University or you can just say 'stop by the gate' to capture some photos, hehe=D We also visited the Badawi Mosque which includes some Mausoleums inside. Then we went to some other Malaysians' houses and we started our journey back to Alex at 5.30 p.m something I guess. It was cool to see some new places and meet and get to know new people. Hope could go there again next time to meet them. Hoho~ =D
Tired! The best word to express it! But well it worth it as the visit was cool. And well after my normal routines, started to switch on the laptop and get online and upload the photos=D plus edit this blog;)
ALEXANDRIA we're back=D
If yesterday we spent the Eid at Tanta so now it's time to spend it in Alex again;) So today we went to Sabah's house which is still new here. The building is really cool and nice. To be honest I like it=) We sat like 1/2 an hour there and we planned to head home after that but then at the middle of the road, it was changed=D We went inside Montazah first hoho~
How does it looks like? Well to admit the truth it's pretty=D and crowded=_= (especially in the Eid) We went inside with the car first and then we stopped and stepped out to survey and enjoy the view. And of course click, click. Snap pictures;D We also stopped at the King Farouk's castle to snap a picture. My opinion about Montazah, it's a beautiful place with a pretty cool views. I'll visit it again next time ISA.
So then, after a day, there and there now it's time to go back home. 'Welcome back to Home Sweet Home' hehe=D Then after my normal routines, uploaded some new photos on Fb and continue editing this post and here it is right now=D
P/S: Guys! About the photos, you guys can check it out on my Facebook cause I uploaded all of it from the first day's till the third day's. ---->Click here to view the photos<----
Hope you guys enjoy it! Happy Eid everyone! Have fun!=D
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Awesome people
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- lkX
- I am ME. She is HER. That girl in the photo is HERSELF. She's proud to be HER. She loves HER personality.
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