19.00 (1.11.2011):
Stated in the Al-Jazeera news, that Mubarak has handed power army. He will also address the nation shortly.
Past few hours..
As they said that Hosni Mubarak will be addressing the nation shortly, I was waiting..and waiting..and waiting for his speech in front of the t.v. He showed up on 22:30 something. Most of the citizens expected that he will step down TONIGHT but as I read and heard in some news channels, they said that it's only a rumor. But as long as you still didn't hear him, giving the speech, you won't know whether it's true or not right?
After few minutes later..
He has showed up! Blah blah blah..Yes! THE POINT!....WTH?!! He WON'T step down?!:@ GGGGRRRR!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! So I've actually wasted most of the previous valuable, precious minutes just now just to wait for his speech and at the end, he didn't step down?! God!..President Mubarak..Can't you get the point of the demonstrators and citizens?..:( And right now, the protesters and citizens are even angrier than they were. I can see how disappointed and mad they are to know that he's not stepping down. Just IMAGINE! It has been 17 DAYS since these protests are on going! 17 DAYS! The next 4 days it's gonna be 3 WEEKS! God..In his speech he said that "The blood of those killed in the violence will not be wasted." But you already wasted it:( In his speech, he stated that he has not resigned but delegated authorities to Omar Suleiman, the Vice President.
Just now, before the speech, I already prepared my phone with me so that I could record he's speech which most thought it's gonna be perhaps the last one. But after he showed up, I totally forgot about recording(A) and it was actually worth it that I forgot cause he didn't step down. Dear God..:(
I'm really wondering and pretty afraid of what's gonna happen next morning. Seriously, after these protests started, Fridays are really giving me a freak=/ Just..I can't imagine how everything's gonna look like next. Protesters are really in rages=/ Some protesters in Cairo, are still camping in the Tahrir Sq./Liberation Sq. I heard some said, they read in the newspaper that some even got married and celebrated their birthday in the camps among the demonstrations over thereXD It sounds pretty funny you knowXD But I don't know if this is REALLY true but I think it isXD
I've searched if anyone has already uploaded the video of his latest speech on youtube but they still didn't and if you guys would like to listen to the speech, simply search it by yourselves:D
If some of you find what I wrote is exceeding the limit(s), I'm sorry. I just wanna live in PEACE and HARMONY:( --->for more complete news<--- You guys might also be interested to read --->this one<---
As human being, we all have our own prospective and point of view. So don't judge my opinions based on your prospective. I don't expect more, just PEACE and HARMONY. So peace yaw:)♥
Stated in the Al-Jazeera news, that Mubarak has handed power army. He will also address the nation shortly.
Past few hours..
As they said that Hosni Mubarak will be addressing the nation shortly, I was waiting..and waiting..and waiting for his speech in front of the t.v. He showed up on 22:30 something. Most of the citizens expected that he will step down TONIGHT but as I read and heard in some news channels, they said that it's only a rumor. But as long as you still didn't hear him, giving the speech, you won't know whether it's true or not right?
After few minutes later..
He has showed up! Blah blah blah..Yes! THE POINT!....WTH?!! He WON'T step down?!:@ GGGGRRRR!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! So I've actually wasted most of the previous valuable, precious minutes just now just to wait for his speech and at the end, he didn't step down?! God!..President Mubarak..Can't you get the point of the demonstrators and citizens?..:( And right now, the protesters and citizens are even angrier than they were. I can see how disappointed and mad they are to know that he's not stepping down. Just IMAGINE! It has been 17 DAYS since these protests are on going! 17 DAYS! The next 4 days it's gonna be 3 WEEKS! God..In his speech he said that "The blood of those killed in the violence will not be wasted." But you already wasted it:( In his speech, he stated that he has not resigned but delegated authorities to Omar Suleiman, the Vice President.
Just now, before the speech, I already prepared my phone with me so that I could record he's speech which most thought it's gonna be perhaps the last one. But after he showed up, I totally forgot about recording(A) and it was actually worth it that I forgot cause he didn't step down. Dear God..:(
I'm really wondering and pretty afraid of what's gonna happen next morning. Seriously, after these protests started, Fridays are really giving me a freak=/ Just..I can't imagine how everything's gonna look like next. Protesters are really in rages=/ Some protesters in Cairo, are still camping in the Tahrir Sq./Liberation Sq. I heard some said, they read in the newspaper that some even got married and celebrated their birthday in the camps among the demonstrations over thereXD It sounds pretty funny you knowXD But I don't know if this is REALLY true but I think it isXD
I've searched if anyone has already uploaded the video of his latest speech on youtube but they still didn't and if you guys would like to listen to the speech, simply search it by yourselves:D
If some of you find what I wrote is exceeding the limit(s), I'm sorry. I just wanna live in PEACE and HARMONY:( --->for more complete news<--- You guys might also be interested to read --->this one<---
As human being, we all have our own prospective and point of view. So don't judge my opinions based on your prospective. I don't expect more, just PEACE and HARMONY. So peace yaw:)♥
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