Wednesday, February 16, 2011

These days:)

        After a week and a day in Cairo, finally returned to Home Sweet Home last morning:) I've never stayed in Cairo that long before^o) Lots of things occurred as I left Alex. Mubarak's resignation..having Embassy as my main destination and so on..It's pretty cool to finally have a chance to go to Cairo as it had almost two months since these two legs of mine didn't step over there. And hey, got the chance to see the real circumstance in Tahrir Sq. (Nah..what I saw was only what's left after the protestsXD)

        Honestly, I salute the Egyptians who did the protests simply because they cleaned up all the messes they did, the vandalism, they washed the walls that they wrote things on, they picked up all the rubbishes. That's a really really good moral to be followed by everyone in the whole universe. That proves their loves to this country. And till now, I'm still amaze with their solidarity:)

        Yes, these protests really give big impacts to this country I'm living in. Like, right now, the country is ruled by the army. The new constitutions will be formed. A new cabinet will be formed. There will be elections. Egypt will surely change into a different country than it was and ISA, more civilized and better. Just like they demanded, a REVOLUTION.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone:) [2/14/2011]
Prophet Muhammad's Birthday:) [12 Rabi3uawal 1432M]

        So hey=D Last Monday, the day before yesterday, 2/14/2011 was the Valentine Day:) So to anyone who celebrated it, Happy Valentine's Day(A)XD BOO ME!!=P and hey, yesterday, 12 Rabi3uawal 1432M (Islam Calendar) - 2/15/2011  was the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad:) BOO ME AGAIN!!=P And in Egypt, yesterday they were buying some sweets and these things. And today, I can still hear them, reciting the Qur'an, after the After Dawn Prayer. As that finished, they started to play some religious songs, praising God and the prophets also plus some other songs in Arabic which can still be heard right now. Sowwy for wishing so late everyone(A)

        And yeah=D I was informed that the school will be delayed, again, a week more=D Yayy!:)  Btw, listen to this song by Paramore, I started to like it after listening to it for a few couple times:) Enjoy!;) xx  
Paramore - The Only Exception:

Friday, February 11, 2011


        Woohoo!! I bet everyone already knows about Mubarak's resignation today:D Yeah! It's like OMG OMG! It's really unbelievable! It's like FINALLYYY!!:D After 18 days of protests! I can see how exhilarate and jubilant the Egyptians were and are. For the past 17 days, the protesters were yelling and demanding for Mubarak's resignation plus cursing and mocking him but, TODAY, last evening, the atmosphere and expressions in Tahrir Sq, Alexandria etc were just so and totally DIFFERENT! The protesters were all waving the Egyptian flag and screaming happily as Mubarak resigned. God..just imagine how exhilarate they were and are:) Mabrooookkk ya masriiyyiinn:) May God always be with you:)

        This victory is really meaningful for most Egyptians. Especially for those protesters who had exert a really really big effort. The blood of those who died right now are totally not wasted:D Everything that happened were totally worth it now for them. What a big satisfaction especially for the demonstrators:D Their jubilation was clarify especially when the camera of Al-Jazeera zoomed closely towards the people in Tahrir Sq./Liberation Sq. You can see some sitting on the street's light stands and etc.:D

        I was A BIT late when I knew this news cause I was on the way back from the Embassy to Aunt Latifah's house instead of watching Al-Jazeera at home. Our Embassy is like my main destination in Cairo these days:D I knew this news when I met an Egyptian who was asked by my mum what was all the sounds of guns about and he told us that was to picture the happiness of Egyptians about the resignation. Then only I knew that he had actually resigned:D(A)

        From the 3rd floor of this apartment, I can hear sounds of people pressing their cars' hons as the sign of their jubilation. Check out the following video to together feel the happiness of the Egyptian people.

Wasn't what most expected

19.00 (1.11.2011):

        Stated in the Al-Jazeera news, that Mubarak has handed power army. He will also address the nation shortly.

Past few hours..

        As they said that Hosni Mubarak will be addressing the nation shortly, I was waiting..and waiting..and waiting for his speech in front of the t.v. He showed up on 22:30 something. Most of the citizens expected that he will step down TONIGHT but as I read and heard in some news channels, they said that it's only a rumor. But as long as you still didn't hear him, giving the speech, you won't know whether it's true or not right?

After few minutes later..

        He has showed up! Blah blah blah..Yes! THE POINT!....WTH?!! He WON'T step down?!:@ GGGGRRRR!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! So I've actually wasted most of the previous valuable, precious minutes just now just to wait for his speech and at the end, he didn't step down?! God!..President Mubarak..Can't you get the point of the demonstrators and citizens?..:( And right now, the protesters and citizens are even angrier than they were. I can see how disappointed and mad they are to know that he's not stepping down. Just IMAGINE! It has been 17 DAYS since these protests are on going! 17 DAYS! The next 4 days it's gonna be 3 WEEKS! God..In his speech he said that "The blood of those killed in the violence will not be wasted." But you already wasted it:( In his speech, he stated that he has not resigned but delegated authorities to Omar Suleiman, the Vice President.

        Just now, before the speech, I already prepared my phone with me so that I could record he's speech which most thought it's gonna be perhaps the last one. But after he showed up, I totally forgot about recording(A) and it was actually worth it that I forgot cause he didn't step down. Dear God..:(

        I'm really wondering and pretty afraid of what's gonna happen next morning. Seriously, after these protests started, Fridays are really giving me a freak=/ Just..I can't imagine how everything's gonna look like next. Protesters are really in rages=/ Some protesters in Cairo, are still camping in the Tahrir Sq./Liberation Sq. I heard some said, they read in the newspaper that some even got married and celebrated their birthday in the camps among the demonstrations over thereXD It sounds pretty funny you knowXD But I don't know if this is REALLY true but I think it isXD

       I've searched if anyone has already uploaded the video of his latest speech on youtube but they still didn't and if you guys would like to listen to the speech, simply search it by yourselves:D

        If some of you find what I wrote is exceeding the limit(s), I'm sorry. I just wanna live in PEACE and HARMONY:( --->for more complete news<--- You guys might also be interested to read --->this one<---

        As human being, we all have our own prospective and point of view. So don't judge my opinions based on your prospective. I don't expect more, just PEACE and HARMONY. So peace yaw:)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

EGYPT♥ There's happiness in sadness

10 FEBUARY 2011 (WEDNESDAY):            

        As stated in the previous post, day before yesterday was the last day of the evacuation. Right now, my mum isn't as busy as the past few days. But her phone still rings, of courseXD but still, not as often as before. See? Now her phone is ringing againXD

        In the past few days, as I said my mum was freaking busy, 24 hrs working. Added by lots and lots of problems. Everyone learned lots of lessons from this circumstance. I spent most of the day before K.Cik and the others will leave to Jeddah with her and the others. Ow..I miss Hanan junior♥

        So like, after the whole thing was settled, after all the students had been released safely to the airport, the MARA building was totally EMPTY. I never saw that building as empty as that moment before. O_O  After visiting Us.Ishak and his family for a while, chit chat and these stuffs..Here we come..HOME SWEET HOME!♥ It's been 4 days from that day since our house has been left without nobody:( 

        The curfew and also the protests are still ongoing. But the protests are kinda, not as active as before. As I said, they had already opened the bank again, businesses are carried on again as usual. Tanks can still be seen in most places and hell...the traffics started to be jammed again cause you know, people have started to go out and stuffs. But still, the protests are still ongoing till this moment. 

        That night, we had..jeng, jeng, jeng..

        MAGGI CUP!!!!!:D

        Hehe..SLLRRPPPP!! Ngee~♥ I've been eating it in MARA for the past few days cause it's been a year since I didn't(A) Oh yeah, and that night, on 11.00+ something, my mum discovered that she has a meeting in Cairo the next day=.=" Wow..we just got home on 18.00 p.m and now we have to leave it AGAIN on 6.00 a.m?-_- So that night..there goes the busyness again in preparing some stuffs for the meeting..=_=..

        God! I just remembered, it's been almost 2 month (maybe even more) since I didn't step these both legs in Cairo because of school, exams and blah blah blah..Huhu so here I come CAIRO! My parents planned to stay there for few days and yay! It's so much better than staying at home doing nothing== 

        As I recall back what happened in the first day of the protests till now, I just..asking myself, "Am I really awake?" I don't know..Like these protests just happened in a second. I really didn't expect there will be protests EVERYWHERE across Egypt as Egypt is not this kind of country before. I don't know..It was totally calm and suddenly these riots just popped out in no second. Suddenly millions of people had been covering Tahrir Sq. and suddenly almost a million people gathered in protests in Alexandria. There was this quote/words that I saw on a poster which says "Live for nothing, die for something." God..they had really insist to. I still remember what I saw in the news, on Friday like I said last time, they cut the internet and phone services to so called stop the protests from occurring but it did and people from all walks of life gathered in cities all over Egypt. I saw them burning the NDP (National Democratic Party) building in Cairo. Most of the police stations were also torched by fire. Other government's buildings were also set on fire. And oh yeah, I still remember how the protesters torched the polices' trucks with the intents wanting to push it into the Nile river (Egyptians are really strong). The protesters was and still defying the curfew (Why would they care about a crap called curfew?) 

        As prisoners ran away from prisons, crimes occur everywhere. Looting, robberies, rapping and so on..I even saw on the news, those criminals who were caught. Some robbed from Adidas as I can see the sport shoes that they stole placed right in front of them. Some robbed the banks and so on..Oh yeah..I remember about what happened to the National museum. Some the glasses which display those ancient stuffs broke. Some of the artifacts broke and so on. 

        Things got really out of control. The nation are even angrier than they were as President Mubarak addressed the nation past few days ago. The reason is simply because the whole thing he said in his speech wasn't at all what most of the citizens wanted to hear. He was like, "I will improve the citizens, help the poor, lead the country better" and these stuffs blah blah..I don't really remember the whole speech of course but those were some stuffs that he said. But the protesters don't even seem to care about what he said, at all. 

        There's one thing from my prospective, from these eyes of mine, which is really obvious when these protests and riots occurred since the past 16th days ago. The SOLIDARITY among the Egyptians people. Like seriously, they're really united with each other during the protests. The whole Egypt actually is.

        As curfew started, the armies and tanks on the streets, things got worse-r. The whole picture can be seen from the news. And so this, had made all the parents of the Malaysians over here really worried. So then, like I said, as our government decided to pick us up, the evacuation started. All the students who wished to go back, had safely arrived in Jeddah to transit there and some had even arrived in Malaysia. Only some who doesn't wish to go back are still here but some who wish to but don't have the chance to are also still here....UghXD

        Today's already the 16th day of the protests and also the 14th day=2 weeks of my mid-term vacation:(  This vacation is just ruined like that. Just hoping that the next days would be better than the ones before.              

        God..Just now I saw a news about what's happening in Kenya on Al-Jazeera. God..they're really suffering from the drought. Like seriously..I can't watch it..I'll get really sympathy..Sob, sob..;'( The world is really not in peace..

Monday, February 07, 2011

The evacuation started!

Looks like those people in Mecca who are on pilgrimage
            Evacuation? Yup. The Malaysian government had decided to bring all the Malaysians in Egypt back for temporary till things get better over here. And when will things get better?....But they said in the news that "Life has turned back in Egypt today" as the banks and some businesses have opened today. Lol..really? But the protests are still everywhere=.=

        So back to the main topic, the evacuation. So day before yesterday, in Alexandria, the evacuation started. Those who are responsible for that started to get REALLY REALLY busy, including my mum. OMG! you guys have no idea how BUSY my mum was and is. She's like, working from early in the morning till late night (actually there's no specific working-hours for her in this circumstance). She has to work as long as this evacuation isn't settled. To make it easier, lets just say, she has to work 24 hrs. And also, for the adhoc, I bet they're as tired as my mum is. God bless them.

        Today is the 4th day of the evacuation in Alexandria. Cairo started a day earlier. Those students and Malaysians from Damanhour, Mansourah and Dumyat are organized to be brought to Alexandria for the evacuation as there's no officer over there. As for the rest of our citizens in other regions, they're organized to be brought to Cairo for the evacuation. And due to the delayed flights and blah blah blah..the evacuation in Alexandria which was supposed to be only for two days turned out to be into four days= = Which means, me and my family have stayed in this MARA building for four days as all the evacuation processes are carried on over here-.- Can't do anything..

        So far, right now there's only 400+ more students left to be released to the Alex. airport and next morning, the students from Dumyat's gonna arrive. There are only 100+ of them I heard. 

        Till now, there's still no sign showing that the president, Hosni Mubarak will listen to the citizens and step down. Damn. He's so arrogant. What's the big deal?! Just step down. You've been the president of Egypt for 3 decades= = Don't tell me that's not enough.

        Hell. You guys have no idea how boring were the past three days= = After K.Cik, K.Sue and the rest went, here I am, alone with no buddy to sit with. Just imagine, the past three days, the internet connection weren't so good over here. I didn't get online for a whole day-_- Oh God! Only today, FINALLY!:) I tried to get online with the phone using the Etisalat Internet, but it didn't work= = The only thing I did was sleep, pray, eat..and as for the t.v, I can only watch when someone's at homeXD (I stayed alone most of the time) cause I don't know how to switch the goddamn t.v onXD And now, I've learned how(A) It's not complicated at all actually, it's just me is the one who doesn't know how to.

        This post is just a summary of what's going on in these past three days, just to make this blog updated. The following post's gonna be talking about the WHOLE experiences, from the main points to the niceties plus, including some photos and video. So, bye yo:)     

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Turmoil, rage, riots, demonstrations, protests....what else?

1/27/2011: (The paragraphs under this date were supposed to be posted on that date but check out the reason on today's post)      

        If only I've the ability to talk to the noun called "Facebook", the world's largest social social network, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, I would have begged  it to allow me to access through my account or even the web itself:'( I don't know:( I asked most of my friends and they can't access through Facebook web too:( Tried with the Mobile Web and it works but still, it's not the same as getting online on laptop or computer:'(

        The main reason (from the news) why this happens are because of the riots and these stuffs and they don't want people to spread stuffs concerning these and blah blah blah through Facebook and Twitter so here, today, in Egypt, they blocked the access through Facebook and Twitter:( It started since like 19:00++ something..Well at least, the Mobile Web still works (Be grateful Hanan..)  *Actually just knew about these when my friends told me(A)XD*

        But..this is just NOT FAIR. Most of us aren't guilty:( Oh..come on..just STOP this= = You guys should think for the sakes of us who are NOT GUILTY

        I got an alternative website or in other words, another URL/website to log on to Facebook, but I'm not really confident with the use of this web=/ It's pretty dangerous I guess=S  

Today (2/2/2011):

        As you guys know, I'm currently staying in Egypt as a foreigner and of course, I bet the whole world knows about the turmoil and protests which were and are occurring around Egypt since last week (Tuesday) till today (Weds.) and obviously, it's gonna continue, till tomorrow, after tomorrow and blah blah blah..And the main reason of these riots and protests is because they want Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian President, to step down. But he refused.

        The protesters torched the government buildings, police stations, which had caused the prisoners ran away from the prisons. This had causes crimes to spread everywhere around Egypt. Like I don't remember when, but like past few days ago, most of our neighbors were holding sticks in their hands in order to attack any criminal(s) cause the polices weren't in charge anymore that moment. I even heard some guns' shots that night. Oh plus, tanks are everywhere after the armies popped out but that's actually a good thing cause we'll feel a bit protected:)

        There were two things that made me, like CRITICALLY mad= = First thing first, they just blocked the access through Facebook and Twitter ONLY on 1/27/2011 (Thurs.). But then, on 1/28/2011 - 12.00 midnight, suddenly when I was chatting with some friends on MSN, the connection just DISAPPEARED= = WTH?! So then, first I checked our wireless router if it's still functioning, and YES it does. So why the heck did that happened? After several tries, I figured out that they had actually cut the internet connection for all, every single person in Egypt= = WTF? And automatically, this is the reason why I can't post the upper, previous one.

        Secondly, in the next morning, when I woke up my mum told me that she can't call neither text anyone with her phone cause the bar line(s) was/were totally empty-.-' and this is totally weird simply cause it never happened before at our houseXD So I checked mine, and boo!! neither mine was working = =" So HELL, as I thought, they cut the phone services= =" And WTF?! They can't do so! It's one of the communications freedom!=.= And guess what, the only reason they did that is because, they're afraid if people would spread message(s) to invite the others to join the riots and protests= = HAHAHAHAHA!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! That's SO SO SO SO make senses=.="""" It doesn't make sense, AT ALL! You can't block communications freedom for such a reason-.-"

        And pewww~ The next day, they brought back the phone service..hold on..where's the "s" in "service"? Didn't put it simply cause we can only call others. No text-.- And one more thing, still, no internet=.= 

        Boredom attacksssss!! In this no-text-internet circumstance, boredom would definitely attack me (actually almost everyone) Like seriously, I only sleep, watch tv, play games, pray, help-out in the kitchen, eat and drink..and so those routines repeat each and each single day before the internet came back today=_=" What a week of building up my body=.= I never really bother about playing game(s), only when I'm freaking bored. But in the past one week, I replaced the times when I usually sit on the internet to "playing games". Plants vs. Zombies, Jane's Realty and all the games in the computer so that means I was really, really freaking bored-_-

        Our television is switched on to Al-Jazeera channel 24/7 so that we could know about the latest news. Saw lots and lots of horrible things. They even showed the atmosphere in the mortuary....there were too much people who died that they can't fit the whole mortuary=/ Some even shared beds and the reliquaries:(  Feel sorry for them and their families.

        One of the reasons that we didn't go out anywhere except for important places, is because the circumstances outside are obviously, dangerous. And the other is cause they did the curfews and it's still on till now. But the protesters would never bother about the curfews of course. 

        Oh yeah, my mum's been acting like an operator these days (seems like even busier than those operators-.-)  After a call, comes another call and comes the next one after it-.-" And I also have been busy building up my body(A) 

        And hell, yesterday Hosni Mubarak addressed the nation so I watched it on tv, was really hopping that he would say that he'll step down so that these riots and demonstrations will stop and fuck that, he didn't= = As I thought, the protesters will be even angrier than they were and since yesterday or before it perhaps, there's this clan who supports Hosni Mubarak as a President. And so last night, the protesters and the clan fought against each other and on today's news, I saw them, throwing stones to each other. God, just hope that this would end with a happy ending, Ameeeeen!

        Some countries (maybe most) have brought their citizens in Egypt, back to their countries. The airports are freaking loaded s shown on the news=.= Some flights were delayed and some were even canceled. How long will this lasts?....No answer for that, still.  

        While I'm typing, I can hear those protesters shouting and yelling out loud and I just actually figured out like 3 hours ago that actually, the protest in Alexandria has started to occur in the streets and areas which are really near to our house since yesterday or today no wonder I can hear the voices of the protesters CLEARLY. Boo meXD 

        The circumstances and atmospheres around were and are kinda bad these days. Some might have ran out of foods stocks and supplies. Even Fathalla's grand door, the supermarket that my parents always go to to buy foods supplies and stuffs was and is cemented to prevent robbers from entering it. They only open the small door for customers' entrance. There's also a tank over there to keep them safe from criminals and stuffs. The banks have finally opened back. And today, as you guys see I posted this post, which means the internet came back. Praise to God, things got better today:) 

        To read more news about these conflicts, check out this site. You can also find some other news of other countries and nations around the globe on that site;) And check this out to watch videos of the riots, demonstrations and protests across Egypt cause it would be too hard for me to chose A video so it's better for you guys to check it out by yourselves:)   

Check this out: =D

Golf for beginner - Funny Sport Picture