As we know(maybe some of you don't-,-), it has been days since Ramadan left us and now its time for the Eid. So here in Egypt we the Malaysian have been celebrating the first day of Eid Fitr in ARMA/DMAK Malaysian Hall Abbbasiah like I said, as one BIG BIG BIG family. There's a bit of dusts on this blog as I haven't update anything for a few days(actually ALMOST a week=D) and I guess you guys are smart enough to know what's the answer for "Why?" ;) So as usual, we the one which is from Alex have to come a day earlier or two or three or four and bla bla bla..its up to we went to Cairo a day before the Eid by train as usual as our car still didn't arrive yet with two bags of cakes; Chocolate+Banana Cake made by my K.Dah=D Nah..Ain't MY K.Dah..Anyways, back to our topic okay. After 2 hours sleeping and snoring(Haha I never snore before), we finally arrived in Cairo then as usual took a taxi and off to ARMA. The first thing we did after we arrived at Us.Harun's house, open the zips of both bags which there's cakes inside it and put all the cakes on the table(Do I really have to tell you guys about that?) Forget it.. The day before the Eid, there's nothing much about it, just that we ate Tomato Rice for the Iftar=D Yuummmyyyyyyy:) Ain't cooked by me of course hehe=D
10.09.2010(Friday):: [First day of Eid!=D]
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Wow! |
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:) |
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o.O |
There was something which is bothering me in that moment, my dirty veil! When I was arranging the satay in the aluminum containers, suddenly the oil came on my veil. So after that went upstairs and start washing it(Not by using the washing machine) but then, the same thing happened AGAIN, but this time ain't the satay oil but it was the kuah kacang. It came to my veil when I was scooping the kuah kacang to the containers. Ugh! Have to wash it again=,= After the crowd started to take pictures and stuffs we got the chance to rest so TIME TO EAT!=D I ate some satay with K.Cik and K.Imah in the meeting room with a cup of orange drink:) Aahhhh! Feel much better:) There's a satisfaction after eating the satay though I didn't the other dishes.
Something called "Sidang Video"(Video conference) was attracting me. There was a video conference between us in Cairo Egypt, London UK, Jakarta Indonesia, Sydney Australia, Wellington New Zealand and Washington D.C USA with the Malaysia Prime Minister but well, I missed the chance to be a bit glamor and showed up on television worries, maybe there will be another chance next Eid maybe.. Well but its kinda "fun" seeing those people carrying the camera and stuffs for the video conference(Do you really call that fun?=,=") Anyways, after finishing my works, went to Izzah and start talking with her about bla bla bla then we went upstairs and press the bell of Us.Harun's house. Wow! Don't know that it was loaded with people there-,- who cares so joined them eating the cookies as I'm, freaking hungry=_= while watching "Bujang Lapok" haha can't stop laughing although actually I've watched it last night:)) When everyone went home, I was lying on the couch then suddenly feel sleeeeeppppyyy..zzZZzzz~ maybe its time for A REST! so went to the room lie on the bed and now here I am, in the "World of Dreams" zzZZzzzzz..
Slept like only 2 hours=,= cause we're going to wait, wait let me remember who's house was it....Pakcik.....Hah! Now only I remember(after asking my mom=D) Pkcik Shamsul's house.=) The house which I ate that delicious Soto soup slllllllrrrrrrrrrpppppssss!! yummmmiiesss!~ Then, after that we went back(not back home, cause its not our house but Us.Harun's:) Went home tiredly:( so decided to lie down again, then of course fell asleep AGAIN! Huh! What a tiring day! But it was so much fun and I'm so much sure I'm gonna miss this tiring and happening day=) So that night, hm nothing much about it. It just that some students people came to Us.Harun's house..That's normal for sure. And that night, K.Cik and K.Imah slept at Us.Harun's house as K.Cik was a bit sick that day. Ate and watched some P.Ramlee's movies. Off to bed at 12.00 a.m but fell sleep at at 3.00 a.m something.-,-" zzzZZZZzzz..........
11.09.2010(Saturday):: [Second Day]
New day, new smile, new food, new clothes and new houses to be visited of course=D Nothing so much that morning just the normal routine eat, drink, go to the bathroom and what else? watch the big flat screen(the television of course-,-) It just that afternoon we went to Pkcik Shaiful's open house:) Well his open house was a bit different that others. The answer for why is cause when you walk to each dishes, there will be a tag of each of it which tells you what's the name for that food. And there's also a menu which tells what's the set of it dishes like for example the set of the Nasi impit is with Kuah kacang and Rendang.:) And there's one dish which I think a bit unique. "Nasi Hujan Panas"(Rainbow Rice=D) So I ate it up with the "Ayam masak merah and "Acar". Yyyyyuuummmmiiiieeessssss!! And right now while I'm writing this post my stomach suddenly start to feel hungry-,- Then we went back after finish eating(of course, no one's gonna go back home BEFORE finish eating-,-) Went back safely and after arrived at ARMA feel sleepy, don't know why I keep feeling sleepy in this Eid-,-" So here I go, zzZZZZZZzzzzz...
That night, was nothing. Normal routine were carried on as usual. Slept a bit earlier than yesterday(only A BIT) If I'm not mistaken, 1.30 a.m-2.00 a.m something. zzzzZZZzz..How's it gonna be next morning. Hope's gonna be better than that day...........
12.09.2010(Sunday):: [The third day:)]
Woke up from sleep. Normal routine were carried on. But today might be funner than yesterday I guess so cause we have two invitations of open house much more better than yesterday cause there's only an invitation. The first house we were heeding to that afternoon was Pkcik Azzam's house. The most special menu here is Nasi Ayam(Chicken Rice) yyyuuummmmmmyyy! The chicken rice here is so freaking delicous=D And here I knew some more medical students who's continuing their studies in Cairo University. Well, they're nice, friendly and I like them:)
Anyways, after our stomach had been filled with what it needs, time to wear our shoes cause now we're off to Izzah's house. Well their just got a new baby born called Ahmad Imtiyaz. He's soooooooooo cute!! and of course, a baby is always adorable:) This was the first house to make the 'Laksa' as one of the dishes. Yummmmmyyyy..I <3 Laksa:) Haha watched the cartoon what is it called? Oh, yeah Tarzan:) After finish talking, eating and bla bla bla all sort of stuffs like that, we went back.
After been filled with lots and lots of food, feel sooooooooooo fullllllllll. Arrived at ARMA, suddenly thought of the idea to go to the internet cafe. 3 days been apart from internet:( fb,ym,msn, this blog of course=D and so on..But I wasn't planing to update this blog that time cause I knew that I'm gonna need much more time to update it. So I planned to update it after I return back to Alex:) And now here I am updating it;) That night, hm feel much better after replying all the comments on fbXD Have to sleep a bit more earlier tonight'll know it in the next day's stories;)
13.09.2010(Monday):: [Fourth Day:-h]:: Alex tour started
Okay actually today we're going back to Alex. 4 days passed so fast. We're gonna start the journey on 8.00 a.m with the train of course( I don't want to ride on the tranco[A van] I hate it! (only when you have to ride it from Cairo to Alex and any places which is far from each other) Train is so much more better! our journey were also participated by K.Cik and K.Imah.=D Finally arrived in Alex on 10.30 a.m something.
After finally reached home, tidied up all the unused clothes and put in the cupboard. After zuhr, we visited K.Cik's[Ainwardah's house]. Ate 'Laksa' again at their house. Well, as usual they're super chef!:) The whole house are soooooo frrreeeaaakiinnggg good in cooking;) Went back home on 3.00 p.m. That night, nothing funny or unusual happened. Things goes on and were carried on as usual.
14.09.2010(Tuesday):: [Fifth Day;)]
Today things went back as usual, my mom's gonna be working today an there's a bunch of works to be done especially for the convocation.
That night, all of us made a negotiation(haha..thats too formal=D) to go to Us.Ishak's house in the Mara building.
Let me have someeeeeee=D |
Join us;) |
1,2,3 sshhh..Keep Quiet! Snap!XD |
Women's club=D |
Pisssss!:) |
That couldn't be my clone o.OXD |
So that night, there were 9 of us which is me, my family, K.Asiah, K.Cik, K.Dah, P.Kimi, A.Matlie:) It took like almost(I think) half an hour to reached there. Ate the other delicious soto soup=D then snapping photos and pictures here and there:) Its 10.00p.m, time to go home. Buh-bye! But didn't really go home after visiting them.=D We visited a few shops which was near that area. And believe it or not, K.Asiah did spend some of her money to buy a new handbag and so is my dad, he bought a new cloth. What about me? I got nothing:( Who cares? )So after that, all of us walked straightly heeding to the beach(not going to the beach) to take the van and go back home.
Wow, that night was so happening until it took like 10 minutes(I guess) to find an empty van or taxi. Finally got one!:) Finally arrived home safely after stepping our leg inside the house, do what we should and sail to sleep=D
15.09.2010/16.09.2010(Wednesday/Thursday):: [Sixth and Seventh day]
In these both day, we didn't visit any house its just that we did some bunch of works for the convocation-,- arranging, checking, searching bla bla bla and some other sort of stuffs like that..
There's nothing much for me to share with you guys about these days. It just that both of it were such a tiring day and on Thursday I was suffering of stomachacheXO I faking hate it=O But the best part in this day is when K.Cik made a jug of Iced MILO and Chicken Soup for the dinner=D Want some more iced MILO!!=D
P/S: I bet you guys must be wondering, aren't there any photos of ME for the First Day of Eid Celebration in ARMA and also the Second and Third Day? Well honestly, there aren't even a single good looking photo:( But as you can see, there are some photos of the crowd which I "took" from someone=D Huh? Let me explain it..We actually forgot to bring the 'camera'!:'( Sorry for all "inconvenience" haha..
Okay, I guess this is it for this post. Hope you guys enjoy this LONG LONG LONG post:) I'm gonna be posting another post insyaAllah about the "Open house" which will be held soon.=D Cya later! Chow and have fun! Buh-byee:-h
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