Hey hey you you! I want to narrate about my Speech Day ;P No way, no way whatever you say I will still do. Hey hey you you! I want to narrate about my Speech Day ;P No way, no way..Haih..*Sowwy Avril, I modified your song* (A) Anyways,
Avril's song isn't the point ovaaa hereee, it's the Speech Day.
Before I start anything about the Speech Day, fyi, last Thursday was Fatma's, Mariam's and Husni's birthday ;D It's like a total coincidence that the three of them have the same birthday but different years of birth. Well, Husni is the oldest one, followed by Fatma then Mariam. See guys? Now the three of you're famous just cause I mentioned your names on my blog (H) *Aceehh..I'm saying as if my blog is as famous as
Fatin Liyana's blog ;P
So yow, on last Wednesday my school did the Annual Speech Day. Firstly, what's a Speech Day? Well, it's actually, at my school, it's the day in which you give awards to the excellence students in certain sectors like academic and sport. And secondly, I know this is a really really late update but..here are the excuses ;P Well, on that night when I returned home of course, had no energy to update this blog anymore..okay then the next day, I did start on this post but I feel asleep in front of the laptop XD Now see how much commitment I give to my dearest blog?
♥;P And the next day which was yesterday, from the morning till evening I was busy and at night, I went to Mariam's party till 10.00+ and when I got home, I was actually gonna update the blog but then these eyes of mine just started to close by themselves *wink wink*
Enough of excuses..so back to the point. It started at 5.30 (+-) and it ends at about 8.30 something. Well, it was pretty cool let me say cause the shows were AWESOME! ;) Thumbs up for those whom were performing. If it was me, Idk if I can actually do what u guys did XD Big applause from me babe ;)
This is how it started. At the very beginning of course, the National Anthem, then there were some verses from the Holy Quran =] (I actually wasn't in the theater yet at those two events, I just got it from the tentative :D) So now here I come. On The March of Honour, we finally entered the theater after 30 mins of waiting -.- Hehe..So hey, then there was a Welcoming Speech followed by FIS Quintuple and then a word by the students' representative which was in English. Then followed by a video, "The sound of freedom" by Nahla and Sarah. It was incredibly awesome ;)
My boring face (Obviously ;P) |
Them ;) |
It might sounds boring till now? ^o) yesh of course. Then there was a speech from the IGCSE department's principal followed by a Solo Aud thingy and AGAIN a speech from the German department's principal and after it was a Violin play by a kid from the German department. He's so talented. Like he's still really young but already discovered such a talent in himself =] Bravoo for him :) Then AGAIN, a speech from our principal, Ms. Maha Nasr. Like what Ms. Maha said, "this is what will happen when you put your son/daughter in an int. school, you need to listen to lots of speeches" Lol it's true after all XD
Next was a poem presented by a boy from our department, it's called "A moment to thank" and followed by a choir and then again, a poem caled "The noble and the brave" and and and again again an English poem "United we stand" oh plus plus another one called, "The Egyptian people will" POEMSSSS PARTAYYYY -_______________________________-
This is my fav. part ;D There was a dance performed by some really small, adorable kids from hm..if I'm not mistaken they're from the German division :D The dance was called "Ya Wad Ya Eskandarany"
which means "The Alexandrian hot girl" or "The hot Alexandrian girl" XD ♥ Seriously, it was really funny and cute ♥ I really wish I'd recorded a video of it or at least a phote :( I'll check with the school later if I can have a copy of the video tape(s) that the Ghazal Studio's pro cameramen recorded through the whole event. Then you guys can watch how did things go like :D Oh yeah, I really envy the Ghazal cameramen's cameras ;'( Just pray I'll have one like that ==' God, Amen for that! Okay, okay..stop being so emotional -___-"
Then there was another violin play for a patriotic song called "Ya Beladi" The part which I like the most is when it says olo omi mateza3aleesh, wahyati 3andik mat3ayateesh ololha ma3alesh ya omi amot, amot w baladna te3eesh well I'm not a really good speller and translator but that part means like "tell my mum, not to be sad, for the sake of my life"..no, no over here I guess it means soul..okay "for the sake of my soul, don't cry, tell her, I'm sorry, I died but our country survive." That's really touching ;'( Yesh. Something like that :D Told ya, I'm not a good translator. If you can translate better, just post on the comment box (A)
See that? ;) |
:D |
I know all the photos arent clear ;( |
BRAVO! ♥ |
Okay so, the next show was Acrobats! You guys have no idea how EXPANDABLE and FLEXIBLE the bodies of the two girls who did the acrobats, they're cool! I really like it ♥ And next was a an Insomnia for "Sahar El Layaly" (Solo Oregon and Xylophone). Then, there was a film review of Tahrir but I was out from the theater that moment so didnt watch it ;( After it was an Arabic Poem about "A vertical Prospective of the Square."
Then there was again, a speech by the students' representative but this time, it's in Arabic. And..the last show was, an Arabic Poem presented by Marwan called "Joha." Gosh, it was amazing though I didn't understand each and every single word but I got the whole point :D (Thats good enough I guess? ;P ) This was really amazing, they even asked for an encore!
Now..*Drum Role* Finally, we're receiving our awards! So it was started by students who got awarded base on academic and then followed by sport. Oh yeah, I still remember that there was also some awards for some teachers but I totally forgot before and after which show did it lie? ^o) :D And lastly, we took photos together on the stage.
MINE ♥ |
♥ |
Now that wasn't that boring after all (A) I thought it was gonna be boring at first :D But poor me, Jasmin didn't come ;'( Oh yeah, Jasmin, this post is especially for ya dudeeeee if you're reading it ;)♥
I've this weird cough since yest. =/ have no idea why :S This coughing thingy causes me to make a lot of visits to the bathroom ==" I'm TIRED! God, heal me ;'( Soon, ISA :) So buh-bye for now folks!
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