First of all, it's finally SUMMER!!!! Seriously, I cant even believe myself even till now that our Summer Vacation really has started :'D Today's the fifth day of my vacation. Okay, so why the heck didn't I post anything on last Friday if today's already the fifth day? Shut up, I'll explain.
Firstly! I got "somehow" sick right after I've arrived home after last day of school till the next two days. So, a good excuse of not updating the blog, right? Please say yes .. (A) Actually it's not a good one cause I still got my butt on fb, msn and yahoo when I was sick (as always) -.-" And secondly, I'm just too lazy (H) Oh, like you even bother! Silly me! --"
So now lets continue form the previous post. Last time I'd mentioned that I'd be taking my final exam in two days by the date of the previous post, which probably none of you remember or even know. Anyways, so I did last week and the Thursday before it. I gotta tell you that the school was pretty good at arranging the exam schedule for OUR CLASS cause the exam started with the hard ones then come the easy ones. Frankly, I prefer that way. I found it more comfortable cause that feeling of nervousness would disappear faster ;)
I studied really hard for most of the exams. I dont even think that I've studied harder than how I did last week. Reading each and every points and the niceties, worrying that any of them might just show up on the exam papers and was nervous for the fact I'd just forget all what I've read and and ..UGH! and everything =/ I hate that -.- But God had made it easier for me and I'm really thankful for that but well, I gotta say the exams werent that easy. Especially FRENCH! Thats actually really weird cause it had never been I mean, that hard you know ^o) Whatever it is, I just hope I passed T_T And hell, our reports are gonna be out on this Thursday -.-
On last Wednesday, we did this small party for Jasmin and also the rest of the class cause it was the end of the school year and stuffs. It was really awesome :') I still remember clearly how Karim was holding the party popper next to me behind the door of our class before Jasmin, Fatma and our form teacher entered the class and when he popped the popper, it turned out that it wasn't actually working xD Those papers didn't come out of the popper so then they asked the 3 of them to stand outside again so he can 'redo' the action again XD It was really hilarious how they had to cut the cover of the popper manually and get those papers inside out also manually with their hands cause the stupid popper didn't work xD But that actually makes the party much more meaningful :') We spent hours snapping photos after that, for memories you know ;) But then we need to review for Math cause we had our last exam the next day -_- And on the last day, we just greeted the communities of the school. It's the last day of the school year, you know ;)
Now let's talk about the summer .. Well, honestly there's nothing really much to say about it (what I really mean there's gonna be 4 more-meaningful-long paragraph following this) as it's still the fifth day. It's just that I've been eating ALOT since the vacation started --' In other words, let's say I've been turning to a hog. Wait a second.. I think I was always a hog after all even before the vacation so like yeah -.- The fact that I ordered a medium Chicken Fillet Spicy, a Chicken Caesar Salad dressed with Caesar Sauce, 9 pieces of nuggets, fries and an Oreo McFlurry from McD's today, only for me proves what a hog I am -.-" Seriously people, only hogs do that =_=
On top of that, I've been such a lazy bum somehow --" I haven't do any exercise! Thats not healthy, at all. But well, I'm not that lazy you see (A) I still reply to my notifications! :D I still go online! I do researches on Google and Yahoo :U And see right now I'm updating my beloved blog ;D And mostly, I still do my regular chores (H) So like, I'm not a lazy bum after all ^_^" <----Idiot.
Oh yeah! For those who watch Maharaja Lawak, this Friday's gonna be the Final! :( I really don't want it to end. This tv show has really made my ass laugh so hard, relieved some tension and made most of my days ♥ I'd rate 5 stars for this show! So who's your fav.? :D For me, they're actually all the best! I cant even choose one out of them.
I'm not planning to go anywhere yet till now. Just gonna download or watch some movies online. And do more exercises, I guess? Finish my novels, start back on my ditched-work and start on whatever I want to, yeah :D
Anyways, my stomach wants me to fill it up with something right now so I better get off from the couch to the kitchen to make myself a nice-hot cup of drink (: So I'd end this post with a photo I found on google 2 minutes ago :DD
P/S: Before ending this post, do you notice I used TOO MUCH emotions on this post? I dont even know why.
Firstly! I got "somehow" sick right after I've arrived home after last day of school till the next two days. So, a good excuse of not updating the blog, right? Please say yes .. (A) Actually it's not a good one cause I still got my butt on fb, msn and yahoo when I was sick (as always) -.-" And secondly, I'm just too lazy (H) Oh, like you even bother! Silly me! --"
So now lets continue form the previous post. Last time I'd mentioned that I'd be taking my final exam in two days by the date of the previous post, which probably none of you remember or even know. Anyways, so I did last week and the Thursday before it. I gotta tell you that the school was pretty good at arranging the exam schedule for OUR CLASS cause the exam started with the hard ones then come the easy ones. Frankly, I prefer that way. I found it more comfortable cause that feeling of nervousness would disappear faster ;)
I studied really hard for most of the exams. I dont even think that I've studied harder than how I did last week. Reading each and every points and the niceties, worrying that any of them might just show up on the exam papers and was nervous for the fact I'd just forget all what I've read and and ..UGH! and everything =/ I hate that -.- But God had made it easier for me and I'm really thankful for that but well, I gotta say the exams werent that easy. Especially FRENCH! Thats actually really weird cause it had never been I mean, that hard you know ^o) Whatever it is, I just hope I passed T_T And hell, our reports are gonna be out on this Thursday -.-
On last Wednesday, we did this small party for Jasmin and also the rest of the class cause it was the end of the school year and stuffs. It was really awesome :') I still remember clearly how Karim was holding the party popper next to me behind the door of our class before Jasmin, Fatma and our form teacher entered the class and when he popped the popper, it turned out that it wasn't actually working xD Those papers didn't come out of the popper so then they asked the 3 of them to stand outside again so he can 'redo' the action again XD It was really hilarious how they had to cut the cover of the popper manually and get those papers inside out also manually with their hands cause the stupid popper didn't work xD But that actually makes the party much more meaningful :') We spent hours snapping photos after that, for memories you know ;) But then we need to review for Math cause we had our last exam the next day -_- And on the last day, we just greeted the communities of the school. It's the last day of the school year, you know ;)
Now let's talk about the summer .. Well, honestly there's nothing really much to say about it (what I really mean there's gonna be 4 more-meaningful-long paragraph following this) as it's still the fifth day. It's just that I've been eating ALOT since the vacation started --' In other words, let's say I've been turning to a hog. Wait a second.. I think I was always a hog after all even before the vacation so like yeah -.- The fact that I ordered a medium Chicken Fillet Spicy, a Chicken Caesar Salad dressed with Caesar Sauce, 9 pieces of nuggets, fries and an Oreo McFlurry from McD's today, only for me proves what a hog I am -.-" Seriously people, only hogs do that =_=
On top of that, I've been such a lazy bum somehow --" I haven't do any exercise! Thats not healthy, at all. But well, I'm not that lazy you see (A) I still reply to my notifications! :D I still go online! I do researches on Google and Yahoo :U And see right now I'm updating my beloved blog ;D And mostly, I still do my regular chores (H) So like, I'm not a lazy bum after all ^_^" <----Idiot.
Oh yeah! For those who watch Maharaja Lawak, this Friday's gonna be the Final! :( I really don't want it to end. This tv show has really made my ass laugh so hard, relieved some tension and made most of my days ♥ I'd rate 5 stars for this show! So who's your fav.? :D For me, they're actually all the best! I cant even choose one out of them.
I'm not planning to go anywhere yet till now. Just gonna download or watch some movies online. And do more exercises, I guess? Finish my novels, start back on my ditched-work and start on whatever I want to, yeah :D
Anyways, my stomach wants me to fill it up with something right now so I better get off from the couch to the kitchen to make myself a nice-hot cup of drink (: So I'd end this post with a photo I found on google 2 minutes ago :DD
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"OUCHH! %#C*@!S&HO*@!" Er.. right ..that must hurt really, BAD =/ |
P/S: Before ending this post, do you notice I used TOO MUCH emotions on this post? I dont even know why.