Okay, have any of you ever heard or played '
Perfect Imperfection?' Just in case you never did, I'll explain what on Earth is it. It's actually a game (or call it whatever you prefer to) where you state 3 of your personalities that you
like and another 3 of your personalities that you
hate. And in another part, state 3 of your physical parts (mouth, body, leg, etc.) that you
love and another 3 parts of your bodies that you just
dont like. Get it? You could state more than 3 on any of those if you intend to (: Plus you may also add the reasons
why you like or dislike any of your personalities and physicals. This thing is really cool actually, I, actually WE've been doing it since a while at school together. It helps you identify yourselves, your characters and A LOT about yourselves that you might never had seem to notice or acknowledge. But I'll tell ya what,
DONT play it with '
judgmental assholes' ;)
So actually,
Jasmin tagged me to do it on my blog cause she did the same on hers ;D So after being some treaties from her, I've finally agreed to type these. Right, I'm kidding you people xD Jasmin, duddde, just dont plan on killing me when you're reading this ;P So lets start even though I did this thing with you before Jaaaazzzmmeeenn :-P And anyone else, just read em up carefully so you wont understand them vice verse-ly.
Appearances (Physical parts)
My feet
- They're somehow pretty long and I love that!
- Having these long-not that big feet makes it easier for me to find perfect sizes that match my feet which is really ohsem!
My eyebrows
- My eyebrows have their own beautiful shapes already which I just love.
- I dont need to clean them simply cause they're just right like how they are.
My body
- I love it just cause I'm not that fat neither that skinny.
- It's just fine and matches me.
Ma dimples
- I have dimples which I love so much!
- I think they add perfection to your smile as I dont have a great smile.
My nails
- I just dont really like them simply cause they're cup-shaped instead of glass-shaped like I want it to be.
- I think glass-shaped nails are really gorgeous!
My eyelashes
- You've no idea how short they are, it's not even obvious that I have lashes.
- Plus one more thing, they're not curly. It'd be okay if they're not long but it'd be good if they're curly but nope, they're not. Sorry!
My teeth
- Talk to me about them, they're yellow-whitish, which means obviously they're not that white and shiny (I think those shiny teeth only exists in toothpaste and brush commercials..)
- The thing is, I brush them regularly like how we're supposed to.
- The only thing that makes me feel good about this is that they say yellowish teeth are strong, I'm not sure of how true it is.
My face (greasy)
- The fact that my face looks really greasy when I sweat really bothers me! I cant be going to the toilet every 5 minutes.
- Sweating is a good thing, but then it turns out that now my face has to be greasy in order to sweat.
I like how I can stand up for myself, for those whom I love, those who I care about and my friends
- I'm not referring to anyone, but some people are afraid to do this cause they think that it'd be rude to do so.
- It shows that I dont have a low self-esteem/confidence
I love how straight-forward, honest I am in giving opinions, I'd always try to pass through those barriers which stop me from being sincere
- Some people might get offended with this action, but for me, this is actually really good and healthy in having any friendships, relationships, kinships and any ships.
- Any ships that are tied with honesty and sincerity have really strong bonds which are totally solid to be broken down.
The fact that I'm trustworthy, understanding
- I'd always try my best out of the best and out of the box of the post office to understand and share the compassion when people are facing problems and difficulties in life.
- Any secrets would always be only between you and me. No third party like you've wished.
I'm sensitive BUT when seeing others are suffering, not like crying like a toddler loudly in front of 999999999999999 crowds
- Getting easily touched by their sufferings is a really good thing, this is one of the ways how you can actually be stronger in facing difficulties in life cause you know, you're not the only who's hurt and that some people are suffering more than you are.
- You'd be more grateful with the life you've having and facing through after viewing others'.
I'm not that girly kind
- From my view, this is a good thing cause I could save up more money as I dont have to buy some stuffs that might be life and death to some parts of girlies.
- Somehow this thing makes me braver.
My trusts are totally limited, even much, way more limited than those limited items sale in stores
- At least I dont have to worry about being betrayed that much.
- I wouldnt feel that pain of being betrayed that much.
I'm hot-tempered
- This is a really really bad thing about me. I dont have that much of this adjective called 'patient' in myself which sometimes get me to troubles.
- I dont wanna be a selfish bitch who doesnt care about what others feel.
My trusts are limited
- This point is actually good and bad so I included in both.
- When they're limited, it's hard to live because in order to live, you need to trust people though trusting
might hurt later on.
I've always have those feelings that people dont feel comfortable around me, actually hate me and etc.
- This has to do with the previous one, that means I really dont trust people.
- These kinds of feelings would lead to troubles and fights if I just cant control or get rid of them.
I'm not girly, not even close I guess, I know I wrote this on part that I like about myself too
- Actually this thing is not that good as a person who's from the female group.
Maybe I'm too rough sometimes, too ..what else?.... IDK? xD
Lying is just the best option at times
- I know lying is no good, at all but at times, thats just the only way I can escape the inescapable.
- There are always choices instead of lying, but I just dont know what are the rest of the choices given to me except lying.
This is it xD See? Told ya it'd be fun. Letting others to know a bit of you is not that bad cause it helps ya to actually see yourselves at the same time too like I said at the beginning.
Here you go duddee, a long-dragged one, especially for ya xD But thanks A LOT actually to this cute
Jasmin for tagging me :* Do tag me again next time xP
All in all, I know that how you look like is the best look on you and that everyone has his/her special parts that others might dont. And one more thing, I need to try to fix lots of stuffs through my personalities, just to be beettaa, not perfect ;) *Sigh*
You can see clearly why I like/dislike some of my physicals |
P/S: In those 'LIKES' parts, I'm not showing off or any relatives of it, I'm just telling ya what I like. Hope people nowadays are much more open-minded, I'd love to know that (: You all deserve my warm-greeting. But to other judgmental assholes, better shut up and kick your butt out of here, as simple as that :DD
P/S: Do this thingy on your blogs and tag any of your friends too ;)
P/S: I tag everyone who read this post to do this ;-) It'd be great if everyone would be doing it as you're all tagged by me ;D